Friday, 14 October 2022

LAURA - Typography



  • David Carson research (plus other artists who might link?) plus annotation

  • 3 typography collages, using limited colour palettes/type

  • Annotate your collages - 

    • what are the themes? 

    • How did you limit your choices in this collage? 

    • What works well/needs improving?

These don't have to 'say' anything - it's much more about exploring typography as a visual concept - using the shapes etc.

Visual rather than legible!




  • Photogram research (see folder. Can also find your own)

  • 3-4 of your own photogram examples (or more!)

  • Experiment with some of your photograms -

    • cut them up and reassemble?

    • layer them in collages?

    • crop them to create different compositions?

    • layer other text (collage/written/on acetate?) onto them?



  • Research Jaromir Funke (and other photographers you may find)

  • Your Studio contact sheet

  • 3-4 Images (or more!)

  • Experiment on Photoshop - 

    • Black and White

    • High Contrast

    • Cropping to change composition

    • Layering images



  • Font research (find your own examples of hand drawn type - lots of links in Typography folder!)

  • Calligraphr hand drawn sheet

  • Use your font to type something - 

    • could be the word 'typography' in different sizes/colours

    • could write a short paragraph about your font!

  • Font research for Fontstruct (there are some block examples in the folder but you could also use examples from the Fonstruct Gallery, Pinterest, DaFont etc)

  • Your Fontstruct Alphabet

  • Use your font to type something (as above)

  • Ji Lee Research (if you got this far!)

  • Your Photoshop examples (if you got this far!)

Thursday, 13 October 2022

JAMES - Dreamscapes



Create an in depth landscape landscape using shaded vector graphics, volumetric lighting and live shadows. 

In your sketchbooks: screen shots of your process and final print out of outcome (full page) 

In your sketchbook:

Sphere exercise - annotate to explain how you did it

Brush exercise - annotate to explain how you did it

Vector graphics and lighting exercise - annotate to explain how you did it

Development into own landscape: evidence of design ideas (start this over half term) 

Deadline: Wednesday 2nd Nov

You will be continuing this work after half term until you have fully realised your Dreamscape - final deadline for this is 1st December.