Thursday, 27 August 2020

Foundation new students - Equipment list

Foundation new students

Hello all Foundation students and welcome to the Foundation Blog. The blog is a learning resource that provides guides, examples, homework assignments and equipment lists. Please ensure you check it regularly as it is essential for students studying on the course. Essentially its very similar to the A-Level blogs and just as useful. Maybe more. 

Equipment list Foundation:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to recent events the sketchbook equipment listed below will be for personal use only. Please do not share your equipment with other students and make sure you keep them in a storage container such as a pencil case. Please ensure at the end of the lesson your equipment is taken home with your sketchbook or stored in your allocated storage tray/area that you will be given in the first week of study. 

Any issues with purchasing equipment are not a problem and can be discussed and resolved in the first week of study. 


Pocket sized hand sanitizer

3 Pencils ideally a 2H HB and 2B but 3 HB pencils are fine. 

0.1, 0.3, 0.5 Black fine liner pens. 

A black biro

30 Degree set square

30 Cm ruler 

Pair of small needle nosed pliers and cutters

Small pair of paper scissors (please do not purchase a craft knife as these are not allowed to be carried on campus. Paper scissors must be carried in pencil cases only and not on your person)

Pencil case large enough to accommodate equipment. 

2 Pritt sticks

2 Rolls of masking tape

USB SD CARD converter with (STANDARD) SD CARD (not micro sd) over 1 gigabyte

Desirable (but not essential for classroom activities)

Gloves and mask if required or preferred for classroom lesson

Wacom ONE drawing size small (brand new models available to use in college)

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Coming in to collect your things!


Hi all

We have just received details from management about you all being able to come in to collect your things!

Here is what we know: College has health and safety measures in place for “bubbles” of student groups. As you have now graduated you are outside of these bubbles. So instead, we will need to make an appointment for you to come in and collect your things.

This will be a half hour slot and you will need to arrive promptly by the art block gates. You will meet either Dan or Carmela, as you need to be escorted as a “visitor”. You can then enter the Foundation room and wipe down your items and pack them to take away – bring a box/bag for life etc to put things in and organise transport if you know you will need it to get your things home.

Also, please bring any borrowed equipment with you (e.g. sewing machines) to return this as part of your appointment.

This is organised so you are making as little contact with others as possible (to prevent spread of the virus) so unfortunately you won’t be permitted to meet up with each other on site – it has to be a one in one out system. We still hope to organise a proper get together, such as a meal where we will all be able to catch up properly and have a proper celebration of the fantastic results you all achieved despite the circumstances. So you will at some point have chance to have that catch up with each other.

James and Erin will be calling you to organise your appointment – so keep an eye on your phones this afternoon!

Hope you are all safe and well.

Susanna, James and Erin