It feels so long since we last saw you all and are really missing you guys!
Hope you are all well! What have you all been up to since you handed in?
All your work has been marked and the results will be sent off soon. Don't panic about this as working from home, has not impacted the grade you have been submitted as. I know some of you have been panicking about this, but don't we had enough evidence from all your fantastic work....working hard all year should really pay off!
Last night you should have gotten an email to your college account about your exhibition, due to the current circumstances we are going digital this year and need your help!
You all have some amazing work and it would be a real shame not to celebrate all your achievements this year.
We will need 2-3 images of your favourite pieces of work either from your final major project or any earlier if you feel these show your strengths.
Do you fancy a virtual catch up with everyone? Susanna can arrange that for next week if you let her know by email when you are available. Staff are still teaching digitally and doing digital meetings and video taster sessions but there are times when all staff could be available for a digital meeting with you.
We don't have any dates yet of when we can go back and collect your work or possessions left in the studio, as soon as we do, I will email and put on the blog.
So keep checking both.
If you send Carmela your best pieces of work, you'd like to be exhibited, all the details are in the email she sent you yesterday.
Stay safe, speak soon and be happy cat!
****photo of staff after working from home in lockdown*****