Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Deadline reminders and new project brief


Reminder that all journal Colour Project work as per the checklist, Reem of Paper task and Flying Machine task, is due Friday 18th December - hand in via Canvas.

For design proposal sheets and final pieces (Dreamscapes and Colour Project) you have until Tuesday 5th January - photograph/upload via Canvas. Please note there will not be any more lesson time on this in the new year!

Prioritise and complete the above as you must be signed off and up to date with all Skill Building work before you can begin your Mini Major Project.

Click image below for the new project brief:

Click below for the tasks for the first two weeks back:

Thursday, 19 November 2020


Click image for Powerpoint:

Double page spread in your journals:

       How it began, key artists and art critics involved, dates?

       The approach and intentions of the movement: what do they explore?

       Its contextual influences and inspirations: previous artists, post war existentialism, how it goes against Abstract Expressionism?

       Practices and techniques: explain hard edged painting and Frankenthaler’s soak stain technique, who it went on to influence / Include visuals to support, experimentation with form of canvases

       Legacy - Impact and influence on future art movements/artists and the wider world

Monday, 5 October 2020

Abstract Expressionism Lecture Slides

For Abstract Expressionism double page spread:

Key artists involved, dates, where it occurred

The approach and intentions of the movement

Its contextual influences and inspirations

Practices and techniques – include visuals to support, explain the purpose of these and how they link to workshops in college

Impact and influence on future art/artists and the wider world

In depths:

one piece of colour field abstract expressionist work

one piece of action painting abstract expressionist work

one piece of Neo Dada work (Rauschenberg/Jasper Johns) and explain similarities to Dada


Tuesday, 29 September 2020



Hi Guys

I hope you're making creative inroads with the 'Portrait of Isolation' task and documenting/recording the mini briefs.

                                                     WEEK A BUBBLE ONLY!!!!

Week A are allowed back in college this Friday (your Study Day) so we would like you to come in.

Erin will deliver a contextual studies lecture Period 2; 10:30am but the room is available all day for you to carry out your practical work and use the photocopier.

I will introduce a drawing activity Period 3; 11:40am and another one Period 4; 1:40pm

If you are contact with other people in the Week A bubble can you please check that they have also seen this message.

                                                               See you on Friday

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Dada Alert!

In true Dada style...

We, the undersigned, would like to pause the current project you are working on so that you don't miss out on the practical instruction and opportunities for this. 

We would like you to complete the work that you have already been set and document this in your journals.

Week A - artist research from the brief/presenting mini projects

Week B - documentation of practical work from class workshops

Secondly, we would like you to undertake one additional task whilst you are self-isolating. This is to produce a creative response to the situation you find yourself in and produce a Portrait of Isolation. You can interpret this however you wish and utilise media you are confident with or have current access to. Malcolm has made a video (which will no doubt cheer you up) that you can watch via the ASFC Art Foundation Blog here - 


Here is also a gallery of previous work from other Sixth Form students and their response to working in lockdown that might help to visualise some possibilities or spark ideas - 


Just to reassure you, if you feel you need any help or further support - you can email your tutors. This is just a short time period and we will resume normal classes and your project on your return. The new task set will be included in the assessed work for Foundation as it evaluates your ability to explore the potential of media. 

See you soon and take care,

Erin, Malcolm and James 

Da da da da da da

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

A and B Week split


Week A:

Lillibelle / Tom / Eve / Emily / Abigail / Jessie / Keaton / Nathan / Ellie / Ewan

Week B:

Josie / Holly / Will / Diyaa / Lyam / Josh / Jake / Katie / Manon

First Brief and Time Plan

 Click below for the documents:

Mini Briefs - 3 projects for week 1


Click below for the outline of each task: 

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Foundation new students - Equipment list

Foundation new students

Hello all Foundation students and welcome to the Foundation Blog. The blog is a learning resource that provides guides, examples, homework assignments and equipment lists. Please ensure you check it regularly as it is essential for students studying on the course. Essentially its very similar to the A-Level blogs and just as useful. Maybe more. 

Equipment list Foundation:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to recent events the sketchbook equipment listed below will be for personal use only. Please do not share your equipment with other students and make sure you keep them in a storage container such as a pencil case. Please ensure at the end of the lesson your equipment is taken home with your sketchbook or stored in your allocated storage tray/area that you will be given in the first week of study. 

Any issues with purchasing equipment are not a problem and can be discussed and resolved in the first week of study. 


Pocket sized hand sanitizer

3 Pencils ideally a 2H HB and 2B but 3 HB pencils are fine. 

0.1, 0.3, 0.5 Black fine liner pens. 

A black biro

30 Degree set square

30 Cm ruler 

Pair of small needle nosed pliers and cutters

Small pair of paper scissors (please do not purchase a craft knife as these are not allowed to be carried on campus. Paper scissors must be carried in pencil cases only and not on your person)

Pencil case large enough to accommodate equipment. 

2 Pritt sticks

2 Rolls of masking tape

USB SD CARD converter with (STANDARD) SD CARD (not micro sd) over 1 gigabyte

Desirable (but not essential for classroom activities)

Gloves and mask if required or preferred for classroom lesson

Wacom ONE drawing size small (brand new models available to use in college)

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Coming in to collect your things!


Hi all

We have just received details from management about you all being able to come in to collect your things!

Here is what we know: College has health and safety measures in place for “bubbles” of student groups. As you have now graduated you are outside of these bubbles. So instead, we will need to make an appointment for you to come in and collect your things.

This will be a half hour slot and you will need to arrive promptly by the art block gates. You will meet either Dan or Carmela, as you need to be escorted as a “visitor”. You can then enter the Foundation room and wipe down your items and pack them to take away – bring a box/bag for life etc to put things in and organise transport if you know you will need it to get your things home.

Also, please bring any borrowed equipment with you (e.g. sewing machines) to return this as part of your appointment.

This is organised so you are making as little contact with others as possible (to prevent spread of the virus) so unfortunately you won’t be permitted to meet up with each other on site – it has to be a one in one out system. We still hope to organise a proper get together, such as a meal where we will all be able to catch up properly and have a proper celebration of the fantastic results you all achieved despite the circumstances. So you will at some point have chance to have that catch up with each other.

James and Erin will be calling you to organise your appointment – so keep an eye on your phones this afternoon!

Hope you are all safe and well.

Susanna, James and Erin

Wednesday, 3 June 2020


It feels so long since we last saw you all and are really missing you guys!
Hope you are all well! What have you all been up to since you handed in?

All your work has been marked and the results will be sent off soon. Don't panic about this as working from home, has not impacted the grade you have been submitted as. I know some of you have been panicking about this, but don't we had enough evidence from all your fantastic work....working hard all year should really pay off!

Last night you should have gotten an email to your college account about your exhibition, due to the current circumstances we are going digital this year and need your help!
You all have some amazing work and it would be a real shame not to celebrate all your achievements this year.

 We will need 2-3 images of your favourite pieces of work either from your final major project or any earlier if you feel these show your strengths.
Do you fancy a virtual catch up with everyone? Susanna can arrange that for next week if you let her know by email when you are available. Staff are still teaching digitally and doing digital meetings and video taster sessions but there are times when all staff could be available for a digital meeting with you.

We don't have any dates yet of when we can go back and collect your work or possessions left in the studio, as soon as we do, I will email and put on the blog.
So keep checking both.

If you send Carmela your best pieces of work, you'd like to be exhibited, all the details are in the email she sent you yesterday.

Stay safe, speak soon and be happy cat!

****photo of staff after working from home in lockdown*****

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Final submissions.

Hi cool cats,

Hope you are all well and coping at home and managing to complete work.
I know a few of you have not been in touch with your tutors recently, please can you email them and let them know how you are getting on.
I am missing teaching so much, I have been training up my cat Lexie to paint.....you can take the teacher out of school but you can't take school out of the teacher!
So far she's finished 3 paintings and has 4 more on the way!
We have been getting lots of work from most of you which is fantastic. James, Erin and myself are really impressed with what you have been producing at home and very excited about your ideas and how you have taken on board our advice and shown real independence, which will put you in good stead for University and working life.
Whilst we are still waiting for clarification from the exam board about your work and marking, we feel that you need to submit everything to your mock piece, so we can mark it up to this point. Everything you have produced, will be marked!

The plan for your Art Foundation work over the next 2 weeks is as follows;-
This week you will need to focus a mock piece (some of you are working on your final, will continue to do so, as you have already done a mock). You will have until Monday am to do this.

If you are unable (for example 3d design) to actually produce a mock piece as you don't have the equipment/facilities to do so you will not be penalised. You will produce a thorough design sheet with a detail drawing from front and above elevations, scale measurements, materials list (hand or digital) and an explanation.

You will then need to evaluate and explain what you would intent to change and produce for your final. A drawing of this will help too.
*This will then also be copied into your last box on your exam board statement of intent form....Which will then be completed.*

 I don't think you will need to produce a final piece for this unit, but you can still do this if you are able, for professional development. It will also be good to carry your project through to completion, if you are able too.

By Tuesday 28/4/2020 1pm you will need to send your tutor the following by One drive or Wetransfer to mark,
1-Photographs of all your previous sketchbook and sheet work.
2-Any design sheets/journal/electronic work since remote learning up to mock piece and evaluation.
3-Exam board paperwork statement of intention completed.

****This is really important as it will form the basis of your Art Foundation grade this year***

If we hear anything new/different from the exam board, we will let you know asap.
Looking forward to marking your work.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact myself, James or Erin and we will give you any further guidance or help.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Design sheets.

Hope you are all keeping well and managing to get some design sheets completed.Please can you send the work produced so far to all staff using email details below by Friday morning 27th March, so we can look through these during the day Friday and go through any feedback and improvements for next weeks sheets/work.
If you want us to go through your proposals before then too, send them to use and we will divide them up and get these marked and improved.
Speak soon

See the source image
Add caption

Architectural sheet.

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Major final project-Art Foundation.

Hello Foundation,

Currently you are working on your Major final Project, see below.
Despite college being closed after Friday this week until further notice, you should all have a plan in place to complete the design sheets as discussed and develop your ideas further for a mock and final piece.
Alongside this the written statement (Unit 5) Proposing a major final project needs to be completed and should have reference to any difficulties you may face working from home and how you've overcome these. You will also nee to add all planning pages and a proposal drawing for your final piece and how you would exhibit this for you exhibition, so we can see your intentions (some of this you will add towards completion of your major final project).
The electronic version of your written element is attached below for you to access.

See the following on the website,

Unit 5 Teacher / Learner Guidance

Internal / External Assessment

UNIT 5 Proposal is the form to fill out.

All guidance and assessment criteria are to help you understand how your marks will be awarded for this.

Major final project.  Stage 3 (Level 4 - Units 5 and 6)Planning, creating, presenting, and reviewing a Major Project in Art & Design (Internally assessed and externally moderated in June)

Unit 5 Proposing a major project in Art & Design

At this stage learners will select a theme or topic for a self-managed major piece of personal work. Intentions will be identified and explained in this document, which should be inspirational rather than prescriptive, although realistic and achievable within the set timeframe. In order to contextualise their chosen programme of activity learners will be required to reflect on progress and achievement to date, identify their project aims, objectives and influences, and negotiate resource implications.

Unit 6 Creating and exhibiting a major project in Art & Design

All Art and Design professionals exhibit or present their work to the public or to specific client groups. In this unit learners will curate and present a Major Project integrating their skills, knowledge and understanding; their capacity to manage time and resources, and to critically review progress. Learners should aspire to realise intentions in a professional manner

Monday, 3 February 2020

Progression to FMP

Remember! You must pass all previous units and have any referrals signed off as complete before you can begin your Final Major Project.

Your research requires you to list your sources and record these formally in a bibliography, click below for further details and make note of the listed information as you find it!

Extended Brief