Friday, 23 October 2015

Live brief-natural structures.

Find the live brief as discussed this week.
The deadline for this is Tuesday 3rd November.
The winner will be paid to produce the final design gor the company.
These can be as bright and creative as you like. Looking forward to seeing these after half term.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Wearable structures continue....

Another 24 hours later and although today was an independent study day, something tells me the wearable structure fairies have been beavering away.
Some beautiful hand cut work from group wallpaper.

And the structural transformation on the recycled books is visible.
The plastic bag group has developed most today.......... Keep posted for the final garments on Monday.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Micro structures comes to an end....

Some fantastic micro structures completed at the start of this week, in our box project inspired by Joseph Cornell.
Butterflies and dreams-Aimee Whyatt
Day of the dead by Emily Plant.
Tales and folkelaws by Joe Casey.

But one project finishes and another begins.
This week has all been about wearable structures made with paper or plastic.

Initial designs coming into fruition.
Recycled books.
Sticky backed plastic.
Plastic bags.

We were practicing material manipulation, fastenings, origami and plastic fusion.
We are waiting with baited breath for the final structures in all there glory, ready for the fashion shoot on Monday.
More photos and Zine to follow.